FOTOSAN is an aqueous dispersion of Silver Nano with antibacterial properties in combianzione with Titanium Dioxide functionalized with photocatalytic properties. The combination of these two substances makes an anti-mold and purifying effect.

FOTOSAN is a solution perfectly transparent nanotechnological of  Titanium Dioxide and Silver Nano the latest generation.

FOTOSAN gives the following properties: reduction of harmful substances (pollutants), antifouling, antibacterial, odor elimination, eat-smog

More air cleanfrom your walls Thanks to FOTOSAN

FOTOSAN is an aqueous dispersion of Silver Nano with antibacterial properties in combianzione with Titanium Dioxide functionalized with photocatalytic properties. The combination of these two substances makes an anti-mold and purifying effect.

Sanitizes Environments

Strong sanitizing power of confined spaces and surfaces: walls, ceilings of homes and workplaces, both public and private environments

Purifies the air

Fotosan when applied to the wall steadily purifies the air of homes and offices through the photocatalytic action triggered by solar and artificial light

Easy to Apply

Applying Fotosan is adored simple. Just after whitewashing, spray the product with a low pressure pump on the surfaces you want to treat


The cost of treatment with Fotosan realized by Caspani srl is comparable to a professional whitening both in terms of that timing costs.

What is FOTOSAN?

It's an aqueous dispersion of Silver Nano with antibacterial properties


Favorisce la decomposizione degli agenti chimici e biologici che inquinano le nostre case e gli ambienti dove soggiorniamo: uffici, scuole, palestre, studi medici, centri commerciali e tanti altri. Restituendoci un’aria più pulita da respirare in tutta sicurezza.


Con una speciale pompa a bassa pressione si nebulizza il prodotto trasparente. Si distribuisce uniformemente sulle superfici da trattare senza sporcare e senza rovinare le superfici.


Grazie alla luce sia naturale che artificiale Fotosan sviluppa un elevato effetto ossidante nei confronti di sostanze organiche e inorganiche con le quali viene a contatto (effetto fotocatalitico) ripulendo l’aria dalla presenza di sostanze nocive.


Fotosan è trasparente e si può applicare su: pareti e soffitti tinteggiati con qualsiasi finitura e colore, abbassamenti in fibra, pareti mobili, calcestruzzo, mattoni o pietre naturali, superfici in legno.

Aria più pulita dalle tue pareti grazie a Fotosan

Contact us for a free quote

If you are interested in living in a healthier environment, breathe clean air in confined environments, keep the cleanest walls and break down permanently the proliferation of bacteria on the surfaces in the home and in your office, constantly protecting your health, that of your loved ones and your employees. Discover with us the power of photocatalytic finish FOTOSAN of Caspani srl